Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week full of Futbol

Well it has been a trying couple of days because, with the results of the last weeks games we are inching closer to the team that is in 1st place, Rossiyanka.  We are only 4 points behind now.  Not only has the amount of time the coaches want to see our faces each day increased but the volume level during coaching points has definitely risen above inside voices.  As professional athletes it is our responsibility to spend an adequate amount of time studying our sport, becoming students of the game... and so a few days ago we went to support the men's team in Voronezh...which reminds me... that "other thing that was more important than our home opening game" was in fact the stadium's way of saying that it didnt want us playing on the field before the men's game a few days later.... as though girls tear up a field, what ever.  Anyways, we got to go watch the Voronezh men's team play and that was a cool experience! 
 This is our stadium
 Me, Simone, Ximel and Tanya

The game was really fun to watch and Voronezh won 2-1!! But, while all of these pictures were being taken I was asked by a few of the Russian girls to take a picture of them.... they basically just handed me the phone with the camera on it and said "Zaneela, pazshalsta..." (that means... Danielle, please).  So naturally I said "Yea, yea" and took the phone to take the picture.  You know how there is always an awkward bit when you ask someone to take a picture on your phone and because everyone's phone function completely different they start to take the picture and push the button they think is right and then it actually doesnt take the picture but takes them to your messages, or your old photos or something... well that happened.  And it brought me to a bunch of options or settings or something... I have gotten so used to seeing phones and computers in other languages that I didnt even try to figure out what I was looking at, so I just turned the phone around to have one of the other girls help me out.... One of the girls who barely speaks English said "Zits in Ingleski" I said "What??" She repeated "You reab, zits in ingleski" as she was pushing the phone back to me... not really understanding what she was saying, I turned the phone back around and realized that all of the options were in fact in English and I didnt even take the time to look.  Everyone was laughing at me, including myself...and I felt pretty silly for not even knowing my own language anymore.  Thats when I realized I was getting a bit lax with my blogging or, reading or maybe just my brain functionality...

We leave for our next game on Wednesday.  We will leave Wednesday morning and take the train 13 hours to get to our game. We play Thursday against the same team that we just went into PK's with.  It is the second leg of this round in the tournament.  So, we need to win.  But I will write after the game!! Hope all is well back at home!



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